Online Giving

We will be collecting for The Betty Bunch 8/28 and throughout September.
Please bring your dollar bills! You can give through Pay Pal, Realm, or through your Flocknote profile.
“All must give as they are able, according to the blessings given to them by the Lord your God.”- Deuteronomy 16:17
Giving from our financial resources is a part of our life at Saint Paul.
If you would like to contribute to the ministries happening here, lives being changed and hearts being touched by God, you may give online, via text, or in person on Sunday during worship.
Through our e-giving options, you can give one time or set up a recurring gift.
We believe that all our resources come from God, and we are called to share what we have with God’s church and with the poor.
We believe that God’s people are called to a tithe of 10% of income, and that in the spirit of “first fruits” that 10% should be given at the top of your budget. We understand that this is a challenge for many, and we encourage you to give generously what you can.
If you are struggling financially, we’d like to help by connecting you with resources, offering you Financial Peace University to teach you biblical financial principles, and pray for you.
Please contact the office at 864-235-3494 for more information.
Our giving options make it easy for you to contribute anytime you feel led to give.
Give online, via text, through the Realm Connect App, PayPal, or in person.