You Belong Here

Saint Paul United Methodist Church.

We are disciples of Jesus Christ, sinners forgiven by God’s grace, bound together as a new family in Christ, and growing together in faith and love for each other and for our neighbors.

Saint Paul is a family, formed by God and dedicated to inviting others to experience the life together God has given us. We come from diverse backgrounds, have diverse political, social, and theological opinions, and approach the world in diverse ways. It is God’s love that unites us as a family.

Sunday School

Our week starts on Sunday morning, the day we believe Jesus rose from the dead. We gather at 10:00 a.m. for Sunday School to learn about God from one another and from scholars and experts in discipleship.


At 11:00 a.m. we worship in the United Methodist tradition using a structure similar to many other churches in Greenville. Although formal, we seek to make our worship accessible by printing responses and explanations in the order of worship. We sing traditional hymns accompanied by organ or piano and our robed choir leads us with formal choral responses and an anthem. We read scripture and pray aloud prayers from the large library of church tradition.

Our pastor preaches scripture-based sermons, often in series format, to lead us to faithful responses to what God has done for us in Christ Jesus. We respond by offering our prayers and monetary gifts to God.

Holy Communion

On the first of the month, we share the Lord’s Supper, Holy Communion, of bread and grape juice.

Children Take Part

Children are an important part of worship. Older children lead through acolyte duties, reading scripture, and taking up offering. Younger children have special time to come forward and learn each week, and then go upstairs to reflect on the scripture through age-appropriate play and crafts.

What Should I Wear?

Most people wear dressy-casual clothes, although there is no dress code. Come in your jeans and T-shirt or shorts and flip flops, just come ready to praise God and meet a new family to which you may belong!


Join Our Women’s Community
Join Our Men’s Community

From worship, we go out to follow Christ in the world. Every week there are events and community gatherings for women, men, youth, and children to bring us closer together as a family in Christ and to grow our faith.

Mission Work

We also serve and love our neighbors through mission work partnering with local and international groups who are seeking the healing of the world from the brokenness of poverty, hunger, and sickness.

You Belong Here

As a small family, there are immediate opportunities for you to get involved or to create your own ministry or mission in your passion areas.

If you are seeking a place to know and be known, to love and be loved, to grow and be challenged, come see what our family at Saint Paul is all about.