Location and Parking
Where to Park

Entrances are marked in green.
Parking is available in the areas outlined in yellow on Anderson Street behind United Ministries and on Vardry Street beside United Ministries. The closest entrances are on Anderson Street, across from the paid-parking area, and the Handicapped entrance.
We have new parking available at 1100 S. Main St between the Greene apartments and St. Andrews Episcopal Church. It is a pay lot owned by Pendleton St. Baptist Church, and they have assured us that you will not be ticketed on Sunday morning. If you have a problem, please let us know.
Handicapped parking is available in the area shown beside Saint Paul. The entrance is wheelchair accessible.
Parking is available along S. Main Street with two entrances to Saint Paul.
Parking is available in the paid-parking area for $5.00 per day payable when entering. A box is available for your payment. This area is not owned or operated by Saint Paul.