Saint Paul Missions and Outreach
“Acts 1:8 (NRSV): you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Jerusalem is church; Judea is community and ends of earth.
We believe in the service of outreach to our community and as individuals we covenant to support our church through our prayers, our presence, our gifts, and our service.
Below is a listing of some of the mission opportunities where you can be involved.
Project Host Service Sundays
Please mark your calendars for our Service Sundays and Project Host this year. We will be helping with the meal service on July 9th and October 8th from 9am to 1pm. Please come support those in our community in need of our service and compassion.
Sign up here:
School Supplies
We will be collecting school supplies in May, June, and July. The list of needed supplies is attached. Look for the collection boxes in the narthex. We will be donating these in August for back to school.
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Awareness
September is Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Awareness. We will be collecting money to help find a cure. Please consider joining our own “Betty’s Bunch” for the walk event.
October Block Party
It’s back. Come out for a fun time with the neighborhood as we host our Block Party. More details will be coming closer in time.
November Pancreatic Cancer Awareness
November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness. We will be raising money to donate to help find a cure. Please check their website for ways you can help outside of this collection.
Opportunities to Serve
United Ministries
United Ministries offers programs in Greenville, SC that serve and empower those in our community who are striving to achieve self-sufficiency.
Project Host
Please consider helping support Project Host by ordering supplies they need on a regular basis (see below) or sign up to volunteer at

Serving in Our Congregation:
Visitation Team
Our Visitation Team brings the love of God to our homebound and hospitalized members.
Nurture Team
Our Nurture Team shares the love of Jesus through providing meals and prayers for families during times of need (births, hospitalization, bereavement, etc.)
Serving in Our Community:

Each year during the spring our mission will be the March of Dimes Walk. Our church has had several families who have either been impacted through a premature birth or who know of someone who has. March of Dimes leads the fight for the health of all moms and babies. They support moms throughout pregnancy, and advocate for policies that prioritize their health. They educate medical professionals and the public about best practices, support lifesaving research and provide comfort and support to families in NICUs.
We will also be taking up donations during Sunday Services during the month. Please join us in supporting this mission. If you have any questions please contact Lori Cheshire at
Learn more about the March of Dimes
Legacy Early College School
Saint Paul partners with Legacy Early College School in multiple ways including a backpack ministry, weekend/Summer meal program and a Christmas Angel Ministry.
Legacy’s mission is “to offer a quality, rigorous, and relevant educational program leading to college graduation and empowering underserved urban students to become productive, healthy, principled citizens in a changing society.”
Learn more about Legacy Early College
Legacy Early College Elementary wants to connect families who need support to our family by taking time to read to children over Zoom. Please contact the office if you want to get involved. Legacy is still processing the applications. You will be notified when we are approved. Thank you for your patience.
Project Hope Soup Kitchen
Saint Paul routinely serves on the second Monday of every month at Project Host Soup Kitchen from 9:00am-1:00pm. We serve on other dates as needed/available.
“Rooted in Greenville, South Carolina, Project Host alleviates hunger and provides job training through several programs that each tackle a different aspect of food insecurity.”
Learn more about Project Host
They currently pack bag lunches to pass out to guests each day.
They need 1-2 volunteers each Sunday, 9-12:30, to help pack bags and do various other small tasks. Minimum age is 18.
Volunteers will wear masks and gloves and will have no contact with the patrons.
If you are interested, please email, call me, or call the office, and we will get it set up.
It can be one-time or recurring, whatever you want. This seems like a great way to serve, and you can watch the service online later!
Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Each September, Saint Paul has a Race for the Cure team, The Betty Bunch, in loving memory of one of our past members, Betty Howard. Betty’s daughter, Rebecca Roper, leads the team.
Throughout September, the children take up a special offering each Sunday in pink buckets.
Susan G. Komen SC Affiliate’s mission is to “save lives by meeting the most critical needs in our communities and investing in breakthrough research to prevent and cure breast cancer.”
Learn more about Susan G. Komen
Each November, the congregation of Saint Paul, supports members, Debbie Goodwin and Tracey Biggers (daughter Chelsea) to “paint to the town purple” in memory of Steve Goodwin (Debbie’s husband and Tracey’s father).
In addition to an awareness breakfast, the children also collect donations each Sunday in November in little purple buckets during the Offering.
“Founded in 1999, the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN) is dedicated to fighting the world’s toughest cancer. In our urgent mission to save lives, we attack pancreatic cancer on all fronts: research, clinical initiatives, patient services and advocacy. Our effort is amplified by a nationwide network of grassroots support. We are determined to improve patient outcomes today and to double survival by 2020.”
United Ministries
Saint Paul partners with United Ministries through coat/hat/scarves drives, food drives, and various other donation/volunteer opportunities throughout the year, including the Transformation Walk & 5K Run in September.
Located just across the street from Saint Paul, “United Ministries serves and empowers those on the transformative journey to self-sufficiency. Our vision is a community working together to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to thrive in Greenville.”
Epworth Children’s Home
Each year Saint Paul partners with the Epworth Children’s Home through a special Mother’s Day offering.
“The mission of Epworth Children’s Home is to serve children, youth, and families through a caring, accepting, and safe Christian community, where hurts are healed; hope is nurtured; and faith in God, self, and others is developed.”
Serving in Our World:
“UMCOR’s Vision and Mission are as follows:
Vision: As the humanitarian relief and development arm of The United Methodist Church, UMCOR strengthens and transforms people and communities.
Mission: Compelled by Christ to be a voice of conscience on behalf of the people called Methodist, UMCOR works globally to alleviate human suffering and advance hope and healing.”
To find out about other missions or to get involved in any of the above, please email .