Saint Paul Sunday School
You Belong Here
Summer Sunday School Schedule
This summer we will have Sunday School on the second and fourth
Sunday of the month. This will be for June, July and August. Our
attendance is generally low in the summer and this will give our
teachers and assistants some time for rest and renewal.
Come find the class that suits your needs.
Children and Youth Classes
Early Elementary
Middle Elementary
Adult Classes
Sharing and Learning Together
SALT (Sharing and Learning Together) class
The SALT Class is a welcoming group of adults around 30 to 40 years old who are growing in our faith by sharing and learning from each other.
Our weekly lessons, which are typically guided by a book, promote discussion and support.
We focus on our busy lives from raising children to our careers, and even roles in the church and community, while adding a Christian perspective to our lives.
We also have a variety of activities outside of our Sunday School time that are both family-friendly and just-adult gatherings.
Beacon of Light in The West End
The Beacon of Light Class is a group of adults that uses the Cokesbury Adult Bible Studies curriculum that follows the Lectionary along with other studies from time to time.
The curriculum studies the scripture and offers thought-provoking ideas for discussion.
We welcome any and all who want to study the scriptures for a closer walk with God.